6th Dec 2023
This is a BETA release!
Expect bugs, and exercise caution by testing things first before running destructive operations on important data.
Future plans
Beta progress
List of things that need to be done before app leaves beta.
- On drop options tweaking & editors
- Hold Shift while dropping items to tweak profile options per drop. Hold Ctrl to display an editor if processor provides one.
- Equal Win/Mac/Linux support
- Setting up package building and app updating for all 3 platforms.
- Plugin API stabilization
- Deciding on and locking the plugin API.
- UI improvements
- Profiles grid layout/management improvements, and general UI polish.
- General bugfixes
- Please report bugs in the Drovp issue tracker.
Features on a wishlist once out of beta.
- Complex profiles
- Compose nocode style node based pipelines between multiple processors and filters.
- Operations persistency
- Saving queued operations so that they persist between app relaunches.
- Watchers
- Each profile can set up directory/file watchers and run operations on new/changed files.
- Macros
- Set up pre-filed operations and run them on various events, manually by clicking a button, or with global shortcuts.
- Localization
- New
API for localizing both app and plugins. - ES modules support for plugins
- Currently blocked by electron (#2).
The current plan is to provide a free personal, and $19.95 pro commercial tiers of the app.
Free version will have the same functionality, but restricted number of profiles and profile tabs that can be created.