Util APIs

APIs for various utilities available around the whole API surface.


interface Progress {
    (progress?: ProgressData | null): void;
    (completed?: number | null, total?: number | null, indeterminate?: boolean): void;
    data: ProgressData;
    completed: number | undefined;
    indeterminate: boolean | undefined;
    total: number | undefined;
    destroy: () => void;
    toJSON: () => ProgressData;

type ProgressData = {completed?: number; total?: number; indeterminate?: boolean};

Utility for reporting progress. It supports multiple methods to set current progress.

The total value is always optional, omitting it creates an indeterminate progress bar.

indeterminate parameter forces progress bar into indeterminate mode (animated stripes).

The way how progress value is displayed to the user can be customized with progressFormatter processor config.


Pass a progress data object with completed, total, and indeterminate values. All values are optional. Pass anything false, or an empty object to reset the progress to undefined.

This method updates both values, omitting one resets it to undefined.

progress({completed: 0.2, total: 1});
progress({completed: 1024});
progress(null); // reset

progress(completed, total?, indeterminate?)

Pass completed and total as function parameters. Both values are optional.

This method updates both values, omitting one resets it to undefined.

progress(3, 10); // normal progress
progress(3, 10, true); // forced indeterminate progress (animated stripes)
progress(3); // implicit indeterminate progress
progress(null); // reset both to null

completed / total

Set or read one of the progress values individually:

progress.completed = completed;
progress.total = total;


Read, or set progress data object by assigning it to progress.data:

progress.data = {completed, total};
progress.data = {completed};
progress.data = {};
progress.data = null;

This is the same as calling progress(data), with the difference that you can also read the current value.


interface OutputEmitters {
    file: (path: string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void;
    directory: (path: string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void;
    url: (url: string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void;
    string: (contents: string, meta?: {type?: string} & OutputMeta) => void;
    error: (error: Error | string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void;

interface OutputMeta {
    flair?: Flair;
    badge?: Badge;

export interface Flair {
    variant?: Variant;
    title: string;
    description?: string;

export interface Badge {
    variant?: Variant;
    title: string;
    icon: string;

Utilities for emitting output items. These show up in profile and global Outputs drawers, where they can be comfortably consumed, opened, navigated to, or copied.

Every output emitter accepts an optional OutputMeta config. Currently it is used for adding flairs and or badges to output items. These are displayed next to the output payload in the UI. For example, encode & optimize plugins use flair to display the percentage of file size savings.

The badge icon property can be a name of one of the icons built into the app, or a full path to an svg file. In case you are using your own svg file, ensure it's using currentColor to color all if its elements, otherwise it's going to look bad, and down right unreadable in one of the themes.

Currently, these icon names are available: article, bell, binary, book, bug, calendar, changelog, check, check-all, circle, circle-check, circle-plus, circle-x, clear-all, clock, cog, copy, dependency, drop, edit, error, export, file, file-add, file-missing, file-open, files, folder, folder-add, folder-missing, folder-open, github, globe, hdd, help, history, home, import, info, input, install, link, logo, logs, loupe, npm, open-external, operation, output, payload, plugins, plus, power, processor, puzzle, refresh, search, selector, star, tag, text, time, trash, undo, update, update-check, visibility, visibility-off, warning, x.


Type: (path: string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void

Emits a file. Path has to be a path to a file created or modified by processor.


Type: (path: string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void

Emits a directory. Path has to be a path to a directory created or modified by processor.


Type: (url: string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void

Emits a URL.


Type: (contents: string, meta?: {type?: string} & OutputMeta) => void

Emits a string. This is intended for stuff like tokens, keys, or any other string values.

The OutputMeta for string accepts an additional type property which defines a string mime type, which is text/plain by default. You can change it to whatever you like. This currently serves no purpose, but in future when processor outputs can be piped into other processors, string types might be used for filtering.

If you want to just inform the user about something related to the operation progress, more appropriate would be to use console.* methods that show in operation logs.

Outputs are items that could potentially be consumed by other processors. Messages such as "All done!" do not belong here.


Type: (message: string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void

Emits a warning.


Type: (error: Error | string, meta?: OutputMeta) => void

Emits an error. Tha value can be an error object, or a string with a message.

Note: Calling console.error('str') both logs the error in operation log and emits it as an error output item. It's essentially the same as doing:



interface PreparatorUtils {
    action: 'drop' | 'paste';
    modifiers: string;
    title(value: string | undefined | null): void;
    dependencies: {[key: string]: unknown};
    settings: AppSettings;
    dataPath: string;
    nodePath: string;

    // CommonModals
    alert(data: ModalData): Promise<void>;
    confirm(data: ModalData): Promise<ModalResult<boolean>>;
    prompt(data: ModalData, stringOptions?: OptionString): Promise<ModalResult<string>>;
    promptOptions<T extends OptionsData | undefined = undefined>(
        data: ModalData,
        schema: OptionsSchema<T>
    ): Promise<ModalResult<T>>;
    showOpenDialog(options: OpenDialogOptions): Promise<OpenDialogReturnValue>;
    showSaveDialog(options: SaveDialogOptions): Promise<SaveDialogReturnValue>;
    openModalWindow<T = unknown>(options: string | OpenWindowOptions, payload: unknown): Promise<T>;

Utilities available in operation preparator. CommonModals are documented below.


Type: 'drop' | 'paste'

Name of the action that added items into the payload. This might grow in the future.

Note: paste action always comes with an empty modifiers id


Type: string

A string uniquely identifying keyboard modifiers held during drop event that added items to the operation.

For example, if user holds Ctrl and Shift while dropping items into the profile, this will be Ctrl+Shift.

Available modifiers: Alt, Ctrl, Meta, Shift



Type: (value: string | undefined | null) => void

Sets or deletes operation title. By default, operation titles are constructed from its payload (file paths, domains, etc), but if you have something more descriptive or relevant, you can use this to overwrite it.


Type: {[key: string]: unknown}

Payloads of dependencies the processor depends on.


interface AppSettings {
    fontSize: number;
    compact: boolean;
    theme: 'os' | 'light' | 'dark';
    developerMode: boolean;
    editCommand: string;

User configured application settings t hat might be useful for modal windows or something else.


A path where plugin can save it's session data that should persist. Intended for config files, credentials, logs, history, and such.


Type: string

Path to the app managed Node.js binary in case you need to spawn it or pass to the modal window.


PreparatorUtils have also access to CommonModals, which are documented below. Example:

await utils.alert({title: 'Foo', message: `Foo happened because of bar.`});


function download(url: string | URL, destination: string, options?: DownloadOptions): Promise<string>;

interface DownloadOptions {
    onProgress?: (progress: {completed: number; total?: number}) => void;
    filename?: string;
    timeout?: number;
    signal?: AbortSignal;

A simple utility to download a file from the internet. Follows redirects, extracts the source filename, and resolves with the final downloaded filename (not path, just filename).


Type: string | URL required

Source url to the file to be downloaded. Can be a string with URL, or a new URL() object.


Type: string required

Path to the destination directory.


Type: DownloadOptions optional

Object with download options.


Type: (progress: {completed: number, total?: number}) => void

An onProgress handler. Designed so you can just plug in Progress into it:

utils.download(url, destination, {opProgress: utils.progress});


Type: string

By default, download() retrieves filename from response headers or a passed url, but you can make it to ignore those, and use this filename instead.


Type: number

Socket timeout in milliseconds.


Type: AbortSignal

See AbortSignal on MDN.


Returns filename extracted from source headers, or a URL when not in headers.

It'll return the extracted filename even when destination filename is forced by options.filename.


function extract(archivePath: string, options?: ExtractOptions): Promise<string[] | ExtractListDetailItem[]>;
function extract(
    archivePath: string,
    destinationPath: string,
    options?: ExtractOptions
): Promise<string[] | ExtractListDetailItem[]>;

interface ExtractOptions {
    overwrite?: boolean;
    listDetails?: boolean;
    onProgress?: (progress: ProgressData) => void;
    onLog?: (message: string) => void;

interface ExtractListDetailItem {
    name: string; // File name
    path: string; // Full path to the file
    size: number;
    isDirectory: boolean;
    isFile: boolean;

A utility to extract files from an archive. Automatically decompresses .tar.gz, .tar.xz, ....

Returns a list of root files and folders extracted from the archive.

Quick example
const files = await extract('archive.zip'); // extracts into same directory as archive
const files = await extract('archive.zip', 'out'); // specify destination directory
console.log(file); // list of root files from extracted archive


Type: string required

Path to the archive to extract.


Type: string optional

Path to the destination directory. By default, the directory of the archive will be used.


Type: ExtractOptions optional

Extract options object.


Type: boolean optional
Default: false

Passing true will make extraction overwrite any existing files.


Type: boolean optional
Default: false

Wether the returned list should contain file details (path, size, isDirectory, isFile). By default, only filename strings are returned.


Type: (progress: ProgressData) => void optional

Progress reporter designed to accepts Progress util. Example:

const files = await extract('archive.zip', {onProgress: util.progress});


Type: (message: string) => void optional

Reports extraction logs.



console.log(await extract('archive.zip', {listDetails: false}));
[ "file.ext" ]


console.log(await extract('archive.zip', {listDetails: true}));
        path: "file.ext",
        size: 1024,
        isDirectory: false,
        isFile: true,


Returns either list of root or all filenames or file details in the extracted file.


interface CommonModals {
    alert(data: ModalData): Promise<void>;
    confirm(data: ModalData): Promise<ModalResult<boolean>>;
    prompt(data: ModalData, stringOptions?: OptionString): Promise<ModalResult<string>>;
    promptOptions<T extends OptionsData | undefined = undefined>(
        data: ModalData,
        schema: OptionsSchema<T>
    ): Promise<ModalResult<T>>;
    showOpenDialog(options: OpenDialogOptions): Promise<OpenDialogReturnValue>;
    showSaveDialog(options: SaveDialogOptions): Promise<SaveDialogReturnValue>;
    openModalWindow<T = unknown>(options: string | OpenWindowOptions, payload?: unknown): Promise<ModalResult<T>>;

interface ModalData {
    variant?: 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger';
    title?: string;
    message?: string;
    details?: string;

interface ModalResult<T = unknown> {
    canceled: boolean;
    payload: T;
    modifiers: string;

interface OpenWindowOptions {
    path: string;
    title?: string;
    width?: number; // Suggested width
    height?: number; // Suggested height
    minWidth?: number;
    minHeight?: number;

Modal interfaces available in various places around the API.


Type: (data: ModalData) => Promise<void>

Displays an alert modal window to the user with an OK button to close it. Returns a promise that resolves once the modal has been closed.


interface ModalData {
    variant?: 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger';
    title?: string;
    message?: string;
    details?: string;
await alert({
    variant: 'danger',
    title: 'Error',
    message: 'Some error message.',


Type: (data: ModalData) => Promise<ModalResult<boolean>>

Displays a confirmation dialogue with OK and Cancel buttons. Returns a promise that resolves with ModalResult<boolean> interface, where payload is either true when user confirmed, or false when they closed the modal.


interface ModalData {
    variant?: 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger';
    title?: string;
    message?: string;
    details?: string;


Returns ModalResult<boolean>, which looks like this:

    canceled: boolean;
    payload: boolean;
    modifiers: string; // example: 'alt+ctrl+shift'
const result = await confirm({
    title: 'Question',
    message: 'Do you agree?',
if (result.payload) {
    // user agreed


Type: (data: ModalData, stringOptions?: OptionString) => Promise<ModalResult<string>>

Prompts user for a string input. Resolves with ModalResult<string> interface.


interface ModalData {
    variant?: 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger';
    title?: string;
    message?: string;
    details?: string;


Validating & formatting options of string option schema, that is:

    default?: string;
    rows?: number;
    cols?: number; // set above 1 to create a textarea
    min?: number;
    max?: number;
    validator?: (value: string) => boolean;
    asyncValidator?: (value: string) => Promise<boolean>;


Returns ModalResult<string>, which looks like this:

    canceled: boolean;
    payload: string;
    modifiers: string; // example: 'alt+ctrl+shift'
const result = await prompt({
    title: 'Credentials',
    message: 'Enter key:',
if (!result.canceled) {
    console.log(result.payload); // users key


Type: <T = unknown>(data: ModalData, optionsSchema: OptionsSchema[]) => Promise<ModalResult<T>>

Prompts user with options constructed from passed options schema, similar to defining processor options. Resolves with ModalResult<T> interface


interface ModalData {
    variant?: 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger';
    title?: string;
    message?: string;
    details?: string;


OptionsSchema to construct options UI for user to fill. Same as defining processor options.


Returns ModalResult<T>, where T is data the optionsSchema should produce. Looks like this:

    canceled: boolean;
    payload: T;
    modifiers: string; // example: 'alt+ctrl+shift'
const result = await promptOptions({title: 'Form', message: 'Fill this:'}, [
    {name: 'foo', type: 'boolean', default: false},
if (!result.canceled) {
    console.log(result.payload.foo); // boolean


Type: (options: OpenDialogOptions) => Promise<OpenDialogReturnValue>

Creates a dialog to retrieve file or directory path(s) to open.

This is just a proxy to Electron's dialog.showOpenDialog without the browserWindow parameter.

const result = await utils.showOpenDialog({properties: ['openFile']});
if (!result.canceled) {


Type: (options: SaveDialogOptions) => Promise<SaveDialogReturnValue>

Creates a dialog to retrieve a destination file path.

This is just a proxy to Electron's dialog.showSaveDialog without the browserWindow parameter.

const result = await utils.showSaveDialog({properties: ['createDirectory']});
if (!result.canceled) {


Type: <T = unknown>(options: string | OpenWindowOptions, payload?: any): Promise<T>

Allows preparator to open a window with its own UI to do something to the payload.

The first argument is either path to the html that renders the UI (nodeIntegration enabled), or an object with options.

path to the html is relative from the root of the plugin.

interface OpenWindowOptions {
    path: string;
    width?: number; // Suggested width
    height?: number; // Suggested height
    minWidth?: number;
    minHeight?: number;

Inside the window, you can use the @drovp/utils for modal-window to communicate with the preparator and resolve with the new or modified payload.


Main plugin file:

    // ... other options
    operationPreparator: async (payload, utils) => {
        const {canceled, payload} = await utils.openModalWindow('window.html', payload);
        return canceled ? null : payload;

Window HTML file:

<DOCTYPE! html>
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="utf-8" />
            <title>Plugin window</title>
            <div id="app"></div>
            <script src="/window.js"></script>

Window JS file:

const {getPayload, resolve, openContextMenu} = require('@drovp/utils/modal-window');

getPayload().then((payload) => {
    console.log(payload); // Payload passed via openModalWindow(..., payload);
    const newPayload = await renderSomeUIAndDoSomething(payload);
    resolve(newPayload); // This also closes the window
    // If you want to close the window without resolving, just do: